In this article:

How to Change Cell Size in Google Sheets [Best Method for 2024]

In this article we will show you exactly how to change cell size in Google Sheets for both single and multiple cells. Just follow the simple steps below:

How to Adjust Cell Size in Google Sheets (Single Cell)

Whilst there is no way to adjust the size of a specific single cell we can adjust column or row dimensions. The following method applies to resizing rows or columns in Google Sheets.

For the purposes of demonstration an example dataset was created. Click here to access the sheet and follow along.

1. Select the Desired Column or Row

In Google Sheets click on the column letter at the top of the sheet. This will select it.

In our example we need to adjust the width of cell B5 as the name is too long for the cell width. Note we have selected the column labelled B to select it.

How to change cell dimensions in Google Sheets

2. Right Click on the Column and Choose Resize column

With the column selected right click, this will display a pop up menu. From the pop up menu select the Resize column option.

How to change cell dimensions in Google Sheets

3. Specify the Column Width

From the Pop-Up window you will now see two options:

Enter new column width in pixels. (Default: 100)

This allows a specific value to be entered, selecting a larger amount will make the column and therefore the cells within bigger.

Fit to data

This option will automatically adjust the column to contain the data of the widest cell.

In our example we will specify a new column width. We need to make the width bigger so we will enter 140 which is a value that is bigger than the default value of 120.

How to amend cell dimensions in Google Sheets

4. Select OK to see the Results

With the custom width entered select OK and see the column has been resized to the custom width. In our example we can now see that cell B5 is now wide enough to contain the data.

How to amend cell dimensions in Google Sheets

How to Resize Multiple Cells in Google Sheets

1. Select the Desired Rows or Columns

Click on the column letter or row number to highlight all cells in the row or column

To select multiple rows or columns in Google Sheets hold the Ctrl key (cmd ⌘ key in Mac) when selecting.

In our example as we have multiple cells that appear too large we need to select multiple rows.

How to amend cell dimensions in Google Sheets

2. Right Click on the Last Selected Label

Right click on the label of the column or row selected last in the previous step to display a pop up menu. Select Resize the selected … (rows or columns)

How to amend cell dimensions in Google Sheets

3. Specify the Row Size

In the Pop-Up window you will now see two options:

Specify Row Height:

This allows a specific value to be entered, selecting a lower amount will make the row smaller and therefore the cells within smaller.

Fit to data:

This option will automatically alter the row height to contain the data of the highest cell.

In our example we will specify a new row height. We need to make the height smaller so we will enter 60 which is a value that is smaller than the original row height.

How to amend cell dimensions in Google Sheets

4. Select OK to see the Results

With the custom width entered select OK and you can now see the row has been resized to the custom width.

How to amend cell dimensions in Google Sheets

Resize Using the Click and Drag Method in Google Sheets

In Google Sheets we can use an alternative method to change the size of cells efficiently by a click and drag method.

1. Select the Desired Rows or Columns.

In your sheet click on the column or row labels to select all cells in the column or row.

To select multiple rows or columns hold the Ctrl key (cmd ⌘ key in Mac) when selecting.

In our example we will amend the width of column D to better match the width of the data.

How to amend cell dimensions in Google Sheets

2. Hover the Mouse Between Column or Row Labels

Hover the mouse icon between the end of the target column or row number and the next row or column. Notice the icon changes to the double arrow symbol  Double clicking at this time will set the column or row to automatically fit to the data however in this example we will amend the width to our specification.

How to amend cell dimensions in Google Sheets

3. Click and Drag the Row/Column to the Desired Size

Click and drag the icon, you will see a blue line appear indicating the new size.

How to amend cell dimensions in Google Sheets

4. Release to Confirm the New Size

When the size is as required simply release the left click to confirm, the column or row will be resized.

How to amend cell dimensions in Google Sheets

Other Ways to Change Cell Size

How to Make all Cells the Same Size in Google Sheets

Standardize your spreadsheet by making every cell the exact same size.

How to Make Cells Bigger in Google Sheets

Learn how to widen and/or lengthen cells to accommodate your data.

How to Change Height in Google Sheets

Learn how to edit the height of your cells without changing their width.

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Select trigger
When a cell value in Google Sheets changes
Check Google Sheets for today's date
When a new row is added to Google Sheets
On new Google Form submission
Send me a daily reminder
On new Typeform submission
When a cell value in database changes
Check database for today's date
When a new row is added in database
When a new HubSpot customer is created
Select action
Creates a one- or multiple-day calendar event with optional attendees
Adds an object to Hubspot
Create a Slack channel, and optionally add a topic or members
Makes any HTTP request
Replaces [@column_name] values in a Google Doc with the corresponding table row's values
Replaces [@column_name] values in a Google Doc with the corresponding table row's values, then export it as a PDF
Makes any HTTP request and returns the response
Inserts given array below defined values in given worksheet
Sends an email using your Google account
Sends an email using your Microsoft Outlook account
Sends a Slack message
Sends an SMS message using your Twilio account
Updates cells with given values
Updates a property of a Hubspot object
Trigger is required
Action is required
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