Trusted by hundreds of sales, marketing, and operations teams
The problem

Your business runs on Google Sheets, but your Google Sheets don't talk to other apps you use.

You have to check your sheet multiple times a day for updates.
You spend a ton of time copying and pasting data into and out of your sheets.
There are never any developer or IT resources to help alleviate the burden.
Our solution

Lido is a new spreadsheet that pulls data from Google Sheets and automatically pushes it to email, Slack, calendars, and more.

Use cases
Never miss critical expirations, due dates, or deadlines with automated reminders.
Learn more ->
Send email, Slack, or SMS alerts when a cell value changes, exceeds a limit, or a new row is added.
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Automatically extract data from PDFs into sheets. Learn more ->
Use sheet and form data to populate template documents. Learn more ->
Automatically email or Slack data reports on a custom set schedule.
How it works

If you use Google Sheets,
then you aready know how to use Lido

Use the spreadsheets and formulas you know and love to automate repetitive workflows and streamline tasks — no coding, Apps Script, or IT support required.

Pull your data into Lido’s spreadsheet with one-click

  • Directly connect to Google Sheets, forms, and 20+ other applications
  • Data is automatically refreshed in Lido
  • No more downloading CSVs and copy / pasting data into spreadsheets

Send data from your spreadsheet to connected apps with new Lido action formulas

  • Automatically send emails with =SENDGMAIL() and =SENDOUTLOOK()
  • Post updates to Slack channels with =SENDSLACK()
  • Generate documents from a template with =CREATEGOOGLEDOC()
  • Schedule events from spreadsheet dates with =ADDCALENDAREVENT()

Schedule automations to do the work for you

  • Fully automate the end-to-end process of pulling, checking, and sending data from your spreadsheet
  • Check for updates as frequently as every 5 minutes
  • Use spreadsheet formulas to build custom automation rules and conditions
Craig N., Global Sales Executive
From concept to a working product in a few hours!
It's a powerful tool, but the online tutorials made it easy to implement.
Thomas L., Accounting Manager
Saves us hours of manual work each month
Thanks to Lido, my CFO and I met one of our most important 2024 goals — improving operational efficiencies without hiring.
Jake H., Supply Chain
Eliminates the need for constant manual checks
Lido revolutionizes how we track production, turning a reactive task into a seamless part of our workflow.

Grow faster without hiring another person

Automate the mindless parts of your job so you can focus on more important work.

Extract key info from a PDF contract and fill a spreadsheet

Try it

Build your first automation in less than 15 minutes.