In this article:

How to Make All Cells the Same Size in Google Sheets

May 8, 2024

In this article we will show you exactly how to make cells the same size in Google Sheets for the entire sheet or just a select range. 

How to Make all Cells the Same Size in Google Sheets

We can apply a consistent size to all cells in a sheet by performing the following steps:

1. Select all Columns

Clicking on the label for column A will select all rows in that column

ALT: How to make cells same dimensions in Google Sheets

Press Ctrl, Alt and Right Arrow (Windows) or Cmd ⌘, Shift and Right Arrow (MAC). This will select all columns from A-Z.

Alternatively, you can use Ctrl (Windows) or Cmd ⌘(Mac) + A to select all cells in the sheet.

ALT: How to make cells same dimensions in Google Sheets

2. Right click and select Resize Columns A-Z

From anywhere on the sheet right click. A menu will appear, from this menu select Resize columns A-Z

How to resize columns in Google Sheets

3. Set the Column Width

A pop up box will now show. You can set the column width by ensuring the Enter new column width in pixels option is selected and a width (in pixels) is entered in the input box. 

In this example we will enter the default column width which is 120.

How to resize columns in Google Sheets

Click the OK button and all the column widths will be set to your specified size. 

How to make cells same dimensions in Google Sheets

4. Select all Rows

To ensure all cells in a sheet are the same size we now need to apply to set the row height. Select the label of Row 1, this will highlight all cells in the first row.

How to make cells same dimensions in Google Sheets

Press Ctrl, Alt and Down Arrow (Windows) or Cmd ⌘, Shift and Down Arrow (MAC). This will select all rows in the sheet.

Alternatively, you can use Ctrl (Windows) or Cmd ⌘(Mac) + A to select all cells in the sheet.

How to make cells same dimensions in Google Sheets

5. Right click and select Resize Rows 1-1000

Right click on any cell and a menu will appear. Select Resize rows 1-1000

How to make resize rows in Google Sheets

6. Enter your Row Height

Set the row width in the pop up menu box. Ensure the Specify row height is selected. Enter your custom row width in pixels. For our example we will enter the default value of 21

How to resize rows in Google Sheets

7. Select OK to set Row Height and See Results

Selecting the OK button will now set the row width. You will now see that all the cells in the sheet are now the same size.

How to make cells same dimensions in Google Sheets

How to Make Cells The Same Size in a Selected Range

We will now learn how to make cells within a range the same size. Whilst there is no way to change cell sizes on an individual basis we can change column and row sizes to accomplish this. 

For the purposes of demonstration an example dataset was created. In this example we see a table with student records. Click here to access the link and follow along with the tutorial.

Make Columns in a Selected Range the Same Size

1. Select the Columns of the Cell Range

Select the column letters within the range. We can select multiple columns by click and dragging if the cells are next to each other or by holding Ctrl (Windows) or Cmd ⌘ (Mac) to click the other column labels which will select them.

In our example the cells in Columns C, E and F are unnecessarily big for the data. We will select the first column which is C then by holding Ctrl (Windows) or Cmd ⌘ (Mac) we will click columns E and F to select them.

How to make columns same dimensions in Google Sheets

2. Right Click and Click “Resize the selected columns”

Hover the mouse over the last selected column and right click to display the menu. From this menu select Resize the selected columns.

How to make columns same dimensions in Google Sheets

3. Set the Desired Column Width

A pop up box will now display. Make sure the option for Enter new column width in pixels is selected and enter your custom column width in the box below this.

In our example we will set a column width of 80 pixels.

How to make columns same dimensions in Google Sheets

4. Select OK to see the Results

Click OK and the column width will be applied.

How to make columns same dimensions in Google Sheets

Make Rows in a Selected Range the Same Size

1. Select the Rows of the Selected Range

Select the row labels of the cells within the range. To select multiple columns click and drag if the rows are next to each other. If the rows are not hold down Ctrl (Windows) or Cmd ⌘ (Mac) and click each row individually.

How to make rows same dimensions in Google Sheets

2. Right click and Click Resize rows

Right click anywhere in the highlighted area and select Resize rows X - X where X marks the selected row numbers. In our example we will select Resize rows 1-9

How to make rows same dimensions in Google Sheets

3. Set the Desired Row Height

A pop up box will now display. Make sure the option for Specify row height is selected and enter your desired height in pixels. We will enter the default amount of 21.

How to make rows same dimensions in Google Sheets

4. Select OK and see the Results

Click OK and the row height will be applied to the size set.

How to make rows same dimensions in Google Sheets

Other Ways to Change Cell Size

How to Make Cells Bigger in Google Sheets

Widen and/or lengthen your cells to display all of the data in them.

How to Change Cell Height in Google Sheets

Learn how to edit the height of your cells without changing their width.

How to Change Cell Size in Google Sheets

Learn how to edit the cell size, making cells both smaller and bigger depending on your need.

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