In this article:

How to Reference Another Sheet in the Same Workbook on Google Sheets

It so often occurs that you have to create another sheet in the same Google Sheets workbook to keep the data neat and clean. The procedure is simple. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Type = on the cell where you want the data to appear.

Cell with equal sign, where the reference shall be added.

Step 2: While you have not yet pressed Enter, click on the Sheet where the data is located, and click on the specific cell. 

The cell on another sheet selected.
As you have noticed, a floating cell appears on the window while you look for the specific cell to reference. 

Step 3: Press Enter.

If you check the formula in the cell, the reference begins with the name of the sheet followed by an exclamation point symbol, and then the cell location follows. You can type them in that form, and the formula would still work. 

The cell reference to another sheet is working.

If you copy the formula, the reference updates itself accordingly.

Formula copied to adjacent cells, cell reference still working

If you later rename the sheet being referenced, the formulas are also updated.

Sheet name changed, cell reference automatically updated to work.

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Select trigger
When a cell value in Google Sheets changes
Check Google Sheets for today's date
When a new row is added to Google Sheets
On new Google Form submission
Send me a daily reminder
On new Typeform submission
When a cell value in database changes
Check database for today's date
When a new row is added in database
When a new HubSpot customer is created
Select action
Creates a one- or multiple-day calendar event with optional attendees
Adds an object to Hubspot
Create a Slack channel, and optionally add a topic or members
Makes any HTTP request
Replaces [@column_name] values in a Google Doc with the corresponding table row's values
Replaces [@column_name] values in a Google Doc with the corresponding table row's values, then export it as a PDF
Makes any HTTP request and returns the response
Inserts given array below defined values in given worksheet
Sends an email using your Google account
Sends an email using your Microsoft Outlook account
Sends a Slack message
Sends an SMS message using your Twilio account
Updates cells with given values
Updates a property of a Hubspot object
Trigger is required
Action is required
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