In this article:

Increase or Decrease the Number of Decimals Places of Numbers in Google Sheets

When you enter a number in a cell or cells in Google Sheets that is formatted for a number, it rounds off the excess decimals to a set precision. By default, it is set to two decimal places:

Original number with several decimal places rounded off to having only two decimal places.
Original number with several decimal places rounded off to having only two decimal places.

You can increase or decrease the number of decimal places displayed by Google Sheets.

Increase the number of decimal places displayed

To increase the number of decimal places displayed, select the cell or cells you want to change, then click the following icon in the toolbar above the sheet:

The button for increasing the decimal places highlighted
The button for increasing the decimal places highlighted

The result is:

The set number with two decimal places increased to three decimal places
The set number with two decimal places increased to three decimal places

If you try adding more decimal places than were originally included, zeros will be added:

The number having more decimal places than the original number in the source cell has will have additional zeroes at the end of it.
The number having more decimal places than the original number in the source cell has will have additional zeroes at the end of it.

Decrease the number of decimal places

To decrease the number of decimal places displayed, select the cell or cells you want to change, then click the following icon in the toolbar above the sheet:

The button for decreasing the number of decimal places highlighted.
The button for decreasing the number of decimal places highlighted.

The function will no longer work when you have removed all the decimal places:

The number has no more decimal places. The button doesn’t work when all the decimal places are removed.
The number has no more decimal places. The button doesn’t work when all the decimal places are removed.

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Select trigger
When a cell value in Google Sheets changes
Check Google Sheets for today's date
When a new row is added to Google Sheets
On new Google Form submission
Send me a daily reminder
On new Typeform submission
When a cell value in database changes
Check database for today's date
When a new row is added in database
When a new HubSpot customer is created
Select action
Creates a one- or multiple-day calendar event with optional attendees
Adds an object to Hubspot
Create a Slack channel, and optionally add a topic or members
Makes any HTTP request
Replaces [@column_name] values in a Google Doc with the corresponding table row's values
Replaces [@column_name] values in a Google Doc with the corresponding table row's values, then export it as a PDF
Makes any HTTP request and returns the response
Inserts given array below defined values in given worksheet
Sends an email using your Google account
Sends an email using your Microsoft Outlook account
Sends a Slack message
Sends an SMS message using your Twilio account
Updates cells with given values
Updates a property of a Hubspot object
Trigger is required
Action is required
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