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How to Calculate Net Promoter Score in Google Analytics

Learn how to calculate Net Promoter Score (NPS) and identify detractors, promoters, and passives. Use NPV on Zendesk accounts.

Optimizing your Net Promoter Score is one of the best ways to improve your customer satisfaction and loyalty. By definition, Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a metric “calculated based on responses to ‘How likely is it that you would recommend our company to a friend or colleague?’” (thanks, Wikipedia!). Most scales will range from 1 to 10 with 1 being extremely unlikely to recommend and 10 being extremely likely to recommend. More specifically, we like to look at NPS as a crucial tool to understanding the relationship strength between you and your customers. While the metric seems simple on the surface, it gives valuable insights into areas of future growth and improvement. We'll show you how to calculate this metric, how to understand it in the context of your industry, and how to apply it to the platforms you're using now.

How to Calculate Net Promoter Score

You can calculate your NPS by subtracting the percent of detractors from the percent of promoters. NPS can be assessed for various time-periods (i.e. day, week, month, year) and, if your NPS is tied to certain products or business units, you can assign a specific NPS for each.

If you’re confused about how to define your percent of detractors and percent of promoters, we’ve included some nifty explanations below:

  • The percent of detractors is the proportion of respondents who are unlikely to recommend your product. Often times, this is defined as those who gave your company a score of 1-6 in the survey.
  • The percent of promoters is the proportion of respondents who are very likely to recommend your product. Often times, this is defined as those who gave your company a score of 9-10 in the survey.
  • Although not included in the calculation, the percent of passives is the proportion of respondents who are neither unlikely or likely to recommend your product. Often times, this is defined as those who gave your company a score of 7-8 in the survey. 
  • You might be wondering why these classifications are somewhat lopsided (with detractors making up 60% of the scale and promotors making up 20%). This is because you want to make a conservative estimate for those who are loyal and will share your product independently versus those who may require proactive energy (from you) to either encourage outreach or mitigate former issues.

When choosing what to include in your calculations, remember: consistency is key! That means, if, for whatever reason, you define promoters as those who responded 8-10 for the month’s NPS, you should include it in the next month’s NPS as well. Having consistent metrics will allow you to better identify the causes of good or bad performance. For instance, if, over the past few months, you’ve increased your customer service training and NPS also increases, then you’ll know that training improved the customer experience.

How to Calculate Metric in Google Analytics

It can be difficult to calculate this metric in Google Analytics, but we have a quick and easy solution, Read below to learn more and get started today.

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