In this article we will show how to add real time crypto prices to google sheets with the GOOGLEFINANCE function. Simply follow the steps below.
The GOOGLEFINANCE function uses the following syntax for crypto prices:
Ticker is the symbol for the crypto in google finance that you want to import into your sheet. It should be enclosed in double quotes.
GOOGLEFINANCE can import the current prices for a given crypto. Here are the steps:
What we need to identify is the crypto and its corresponding ticker in Google Finance. For example, we want to import Bitcoin prices. Go to and then search for Bitcoin. We will be able to reach the following page:
The URL to this page is
What we need is the code after the /quote/ portion. It is BTC-USD. This is the ticker we need to import Bitcoin prices to our Google Sheets
Using the syntax =GOOGLEFINANCE(ticker), the formula becomes
Where the ticker is enclosed in double quotes. Just type the formula where you want to insert the Bitcoin price.
The cell will initially show “Loading”, and then the current price will appear.
You have now imported crypto prices via GOOGLEFINANCE!
You can do so by setting Google Sheets to automatically recalculate every minute. Click File, then select Settings.
A box labeled Settings for this spreadsheet appears. Click the Calculation tab, then click the drop-down box under the label Recalculation. Select On change and every minute.
Click Save settings. The sheet should recalculate every minute.
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