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Firebase Review - Everything you Need to Know in 2024

In this firebase review we will explore firebase’s features along with its pros and cons so you can decide if it’s right for your project in 2024.

What is Firebase?

Google Firebase is a mobile and web application backend-as-a-service platform that provides a variety of tools and services to help developers build high-quality apps quickly. It offers features such as real-time database, hosting, authentication, cloud storage, and more. 

firebase review

Firebase Features

Firebase features can be categorized under three major headings: Build, Release & Monitor, and Engage. We cover all of  these categories in detail in our firebase features article but have summarized only the most essential below:

Realtime Database

A NoSQL cloud database that provides real-time data syncing and offline support for applications.

Cloud Firestore

A flexible, scalable NoSQL database for mobile, web, and server development. It allows developers to store and sync app data across multiple devices in real-time.


A secure and easy-to-integrate solution for managing user authentication in your app. It supports multiple authentication providers and customizable UI and user flows.

Cloud Messaging

A messaging service that allows you to send targeted messages to your app users to improve user engagement. It has free and unlimited messaging and supports multiple platforms.


Fast, secure, and reliable web hosting solution for your app's static assets and dynamic content. It has global CDN and SSL protection, custom domain support, and zero-configuration deployment.


Lightweight crash reporting solution that helps developers monitor and fix issues in their apps. It has real-time crash reports, detailed diagnostics, and integration with Google Analytics.

Performance Monitoring

A tool that helps developers identify and address performance issues in their apps by collecting and analyzing app performance data. It has automatic and custom performance metrics and detailed performance reports.

Remote Config

A cloud service that enables developers to modify app behavior and appearance without requiring users to download updates. It allows A/B testing, targeted messaging, and gradual feature rollout.

firebase reviews

The Pros of Firebase

✅ Comprehensive range of features:

Firebase offers a wide range of features, including a NoSQL database, user authentication, cloud storage, hosting, and more, making it an all-in-one solution for app development.

✅ Easy to use and setup:

Firebase is generally easy to use, with detailed documentation and SDKs for various programming languages, enabling quick implementation and management of projects.

✅ Affordable pricing for startups:

Firebase's pay-as-you-go pricing model is suitable for startups and small businesses, making it affordable for them to get started without significant upfront costs.

✅ Good scalability:

Firebase offers good scalability for growing applications and can handle a good amount of traffic.

✅ Instant data syncing with Realtime Database:

Firebase's Realtime Database provides instant data syncing, ensuring a smooth user experience for users.

✅ Good crash reporting and analytics:

Firebase offers good crash reporting and analytics through its Crashlytics and Analytics features.

firebase reviewed

The Cons of Firebase

❌ Limited flexibility:

While Firebase offers a wide range of services, some developers may find that it lacks the flexibility they need for their projects, particularly for large-scale projects that require complex infrastructure or custom solutions.

❌ Simultaneous connection limit:

Firebase's default limit of 100 simultaneous connections for Realtime Database can become a bottleneck for larger applications, which may need to be taken into account for future improvements.

❌ Vendor lock-in:

Using Firebase may lead to vendor lock-in, making it harder to switch to another service provider without significant effort.

❌ Limited push notifications for larger user databases:

Push notifications can be limited for larger user databases in Firebase, which may be a challenge for some projects. The maximum limit for push notifications per device is 4KB, and there are also limits on the number of messages that can be sent per second or per day, depending on the plan.


Firebase is a powerful and versatile platform that offers a range of features and services to help developers build mobile and web applications quickly. Its comprehensive documentation, user-friendly interface, and generous free tier make it a great option for developers of all skill levels. 

However, developers should consider Firebase's unique pros and cons in the context of their projects, and compare it to firebase alternatives before making a final decision. 

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