In this article:

How to Find and Remove Duplicate Email Addresses in Excel

In this article, we will show you how to find duplicate email addresses in Excel. We will also discuss how to remove duplicate email addresses in Excel. Simply follow the steps below. 

How to Find Duplicate Email Addresses in Excel

Follow the steps below to find duplicate email addresses in Excel. 

1. Open Excel Workbook with Email List

Open the Excel workbook containing your email list. This is where you'll search for duplicates.

how to remove duplicate email addresses in excel

2. Highlight Column with Email Addresses

Click and drag to select the column that contains the email addresses. Ensure you include all the emails you want to check.

find duplicate email addresses in excel

3. Apply Conditional Formatting to Identify Duplicates

With the data selected, go to the 'Home' tab. Click on 'Conditional Formatting', then 'Highlight Cells Rules', and choose 'Duplicate Values'. This will highlight all duplicate emails.

remove duplicate email addresses in excel

4. Scroll Through and Observe Highlighted Duplicate Emails

Excel will highlight the duplicate emails in your selected range. Scroll through to review these highlighted entries.

how to find duplicate email addresses in excel

How to Remove Duplicate Email Addresses in Excel

After finding email duplicates, follow the steps below to remove duplicate email addresses in Excel. 

1. Re-select Column with Duplicates Identified

After identifying the duplicates in your list, keep the same column selected to ensure you're working with the correct data.

2. Access 'Remove Duplicates' Feature in Data Tab

Go to the 'Data' tab on the ribbon. Click on 'Remove Duplicates'. In the pop-up, ensure only the email column is checked, then press 'OK'.

3. Confirm and Review Duplicate Removal Results

A dialog box will appear, asking if you want to expand the selection to be removed or continue with the current selection. Click 'Remove duplicates' to confirm and close the box.

If you choose to 'Expand the Selection', you can check duplicate values in the columns that you want to delete. Click 'OK.'

A dialog box will appear, showing how many duplicates were found and removed. Click 'OK' to close the dialog box.

4. Save Changes in Your Excel Workbook

After removing duplicates, save your workbook. This ensures that all changes made to your email list are preserved.

We hope that you now have a better understanding of how to find duplicate email addresses in Excel and how to remove duplicate email addresses in Excel. If you enjoyed this article, you might also like our article on how to send one sheet in Excel or our article on how to send an Excel file to email as pdf.  

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