In this article:

Sync Hubspot and Postgres Customer Data to Lido

Hello! Excited to share a step by step guide on how to synchronize your Hubspot and Postgres customer data with a Lido spreadsheet.

Animated GIF of Selecting customer from list, switching to Detail view, Clicking Fullstory button, and opening session - about 5 seconds

What is Lido?

Lido is a spreadsheet with superpowers that can connect directly to your data (Hubspot, Salesforce, databases, Zendesk, MySQL, and more) and work with it just like a normal Google Sheet or Excel document. No more importing CSV’s.

If you want to take it further, you can build low code tools and dashboards powered all by spreadsheets. If you can organize your data in a spreadsheet, you can build an internal tool to power customer support, operations, growth, and other internal teams.

Step 1: Connect to your Hubspot and Posgres data

The first step is to connect Hubspot and Postgres so you can pull data “live” into spreadsheets.

  1. Create a new Lido file by clicking on “New File” from the Files page.
  2. Click on the “Connect Data” button at the top left and choose Hubspot.
  3. Put in a name for your connect, and hit “next”
  4. It’ll ask you to log into Hubspot. When you’re, click “next”
  5. It’ll bring up the data browser, choose “Contacts” and choose the fields “first name”, “last name”, “email”, and “job title”.  It’ll show you a preview of the records.
  6. Click Add.

You should now see a new sheet in your Lido file title “Hubspot” and with all contacts real-time streamed into a regular spreadsheet table. You can now work with that data as you would in Excel of Google sheets.

Now do the same with Postgres choosing a list of users that share the same email address with your Hubspot records. When you’re done you’ll have a second sheet named “PostgreSQL” with your current records.

Step 2: Join the Hubspot and Postgres data

The next step is to join the Hubspot and Postgres tables on the common “email” field to get a single record for a customer that includes data from both Hubspot and Postgres.

  1. Select somewhere in the Hubspot table of data
  2. Click on the join icon up top
  3. Choose the Hubspot table on the left, PostgreSQL on the right, join on “email” and choose a few fields you want form your Postgres user data.

You’ll now have a spreadsheet in Lido that has a single table with unified customer records across Hubspot Contacts and Postgres Users. You can continue to join as many tables as you want.

Data is now joined between Postgres and MySQL

Bonus:  Add an easy search screen

You can stop in the previous step and just work with the data in the spreadsheet. Lets say you want an easier way to look up customers than Ctrl + F in a sheet. In Lido, you create a simple dashboard

  1. click on “Split Screen” to see both spreadsheet and dashboards.
  2. Click on the + at the bottom of the dashboards to create a new one.
  3. on the upper right of the new dashboard, click “Components”
  4. Drag a table component onto the empty Dashboard
  5. click on the table component, and on the properties panel on the right, choose under “Hubspot” under table.
  6. Uncheck unecessary fields that you don’t want to show in the table view.
  7. Switch to “Preview” mode on the upper right of the dashboard.

You now have a search screen on top of your unified Hubspot and Postgres data.


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