The most accurate way to extract data from PDFs to spreadsheets

Stop manually copying and pasting data from PDFs into spreadsheets. Easily convert tabular data from both scanned and native PDFs in minutes.
Trusted by finance and accounting teams at:
and 100s of other companies

How it works

Whether you're looking to convert one table in a single page or hundreds of pages at once, Lido has a PDF extraction method to fit your needs.

Choose a section to extract

Visually draw a box around the section of the PDF that you'd like to extract.

Extract multiple pages at once

Select a PDF from your Google Drive and extract data from the entire document, regardless of the number of pages.

Everything you need to extract PDF data

Localize numbers

Automatically convert numbers from European to US format (or the reverse) during the PDF extraction process.

Connect to Google Drive

Convert multiple PDFs in a Google Drive folder to spreadsheets in bulk.


We're constantly improving our algorithms. If you're not happy with a PDF conversion, just email us and we'll fix it.
Thomas L., Accounting Manager
Thanks to Lido, my CFO and I met one of our most important 2024 goals — improving operational efficiencies without hiring
We used to manually copy and paste data from Amazon expense / revenue reports into a spreadsheet 15 times a month - each time took a couple of hours; but we needed to get this done. Lido has automated this process for us.

Ready to get started?

Reclaim hundreds of hours that would otherwise be lost to manual data entry.