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Why you should use this

This automation uploads event attendee lists directly to Google Sheets, providing a flexible and accessible platform for managing participant data. It enables real-time updates and collaborative access, essential for coordinating large events and handling last-minute changes. By streamlining data management in Google Sheets, organizers can more effectively communicate with participants, track attendance, and analyze event demographics to enhance future planning.

How it Works

You can convert PDF event attendee lists into Google Sheets either by drawing a box around the section of the event attendee lists that you want to convert, or by converting the entire document (including multiple pages) at once.

Upload a event attendee list PDF to Lido

Use Lido's PDF Import Tool or the built in Google Drive connector and select the event attendee list you want to convert.

Use the PDF importer or EXTRACTTABLESFROMPDF formula

Either draw a box visually around the section of the event attendee list to extract, or use Lido's EXTRACTTABLESFROMPDF formula to pull tabular data from the event attendee list PDF into Lido's spreadsheet.

EXTRACTTABLESFROMPDF(<drive-credential>,"path to file",<output cell>)

Export event attendee list data to Google Sheets

Your selected event attendee list is now extracted into a Lido spreadsheet and can be used, copied, or exported to Google Sheets. Combine with Lido's built-in email merge functionality to send post-event follow ups to attendees.

Tutorials to help you get started

Step-by-step instructions to guide you through setting up this automation in Lido.

Who should use this

Ideal for event organizers, conference managers, and community leaders who need to dynamically manage and update attendee information. This tool is perfect for those who coordinate events where real-time data accessibility and collaboration are key.